Finding Peace in the Valleys of Life

Finding Peace in the Valley

One of my biggest struggles in times of trial has been to remain in God’s peace in the middle of my suffering.  Why is it that in times of difficulty, our peace seems to slip right through our fingers?  When our struggles surround us, they smother our assurance of God’s goodness.

This is one of Satan’s greatest weapons.  In our weakness, he convinces us that God has abandoned us.  But it’s not the truth.

Here are 4 ways to discover peace in the middle of suffering.

1. Look to God’s Promises

The Bible is full of many promises that God makes to us in our time of suffering. 

We are promised that when we rejoice in suffering, we will be overjoyed when His glory is revealed (1 Peter: 12-13). 

We are promised an eternal glory that far outweighs our troubles (2 Cor 4:17). 

God promises grace that is sufficient for our suffering (2 Cor 12:9). 

And finally, we are promised that the God of Peace will be with us when we put into practice all that we have learned and received from God.

Our struggles will bring us joy and eternal glory.  And in the middle of our trial, God gives us grace that is sufficient and peace for the journey.  These things aren’t just something we hope will happen, they are promised to us

All we need to do is turn our hearts toward God.

2. Find Perspective

Your trials and suffering will not last forever.  “This too shall pass” is a saying that never fails to bring me comfort. 

There is a time to feel the pain and face the struggle, but there is also a time to step away from it and remember that your life is more. 

Don’t let yourself dwell too deeply in the pain for too long.

When I went through a time of deep grief, it filled my every moment.  I even welcomed it into my life every time my mind found solace.  I wanted to feel the grief.  I wanted to remember the pain.  I got sucked into dwelling so deeply in my pain that I forgot about God’s goodness.  

And in that time, I lost any sense of peace and hope. 

How can we find the God of Peace when all we focus on is the suffering and loss?

I needed to step back and remember that God has a good plan for my life and He wants me to move forward. 

God wants us to keep walking through the valley.  If we get stuck there, we will never reach the mountaintop that He has for us.

3. Discipline

Sometimes all you can do to get through a time of suffering is to rely on discipline. 

Whether you have a routine of reading God’s word and praying regularly, or you need to create one, this will be one of the biggest factors in finding God’s peace in the pain. 

God speaks to us through His word and through prayer.  Find the time to allow Him to speak to you.  It can be as simple as reading a short devotion for five minutes a day. 

In my most difficult times, it was the daily devotions and the discipline that helped to bring me through to God’s grace and peace. 

Making time every day for God allows the chance for light to break into your darkness.

4. Find Support

One of the biggest protectors of depression and despair is social support.  Don’t let your pain pull you into the abyss. 

There are so many people out there who will sit with you and hear your story.  Friends are amazing in times of trial.  Ask them to talk and allow them the chance to support you.  

Finding a mentor has also been crucial for me in those times.

In two of my greatest times of suffering, I asked God for someone to help me through.  And both times, He provided a mentor that took me in and cared for and encouraged me.  (And let me say that it was ALL God’s doing.  I was too shy to ask to talk and these wonderful ladies stepped into my world and brought me in).  Now, I am not saying it doesn’t take any courage.  But if you muster up all of the courage you can, God will do the rest. 

Find encouragement and support in your struggle.

When we call to God, He answers.

Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”

Are you seeking God with all your heart?  It’s hard to give our hearts when they are broken, but know that God is the perfect healer and protector.  Give all that you can to Him and He will bring you peace.


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