Power of Words

Discover The Power of What You Say

Power of Words

Do you know the power of your words?

Words have the ability to mend a broken heart, to strengthen another to stand strong and to guide someone to a better path.

But they also have to power to break a heart, to tear down another and to push someone into despair.

Words are powerful.  And we must be careful with the words that we use.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

Often this verse is used when discussing bad language.  But this verse lends to so much more.

Now I’m talking to those of us who are in Christ.  When we look at the verses before, Paul is addressing those who are becoming like God in righteousness and holiness.  Being careful with your words is an important part of becoming new in Christ.

Let’s break it down and discover why we are called to use our words in this way.

Building Others Up

Paul uses this same phrase in 1 Thessalonians 5 when he encourages other believers to stay strong in their faith and to keep their focus on their salvation and living for Christ.  He writes to encourage the Thessalonians to not give up their hope.  Christ will return suddenly and we must be ready.  This is why it is so important to encourage each other.  To build each other up.

Christ is coming and only those who are living for Him will be saved. 

Our words can have an extremely powerful impact on those who are seeking Christ or trying to hold onto the faith they have. 

Use your words to build others up and to guide them to a deeper and genuine faith in Christ so that they may be ready when Christ returns.

[bctt tweet="Use your words to build others up and to guide them to a deeper and genuine faith in Christ." username="NicoleAKauffman"]

According to Their Needs

We are called to love others above ourselves.  In other words, we are called to be selfless and to consider another’s needs above our own. 

Are your words ones that build another up according to their specific needs? 

I know oftentimes, I say things to make myself look good.  Or to build myself up.  And in doing this, I miss out on the call of Christ.

We are called to use our words to meet another’s need for encouragement.

Consider the words you use in conversation.  Whose needs are they addressing?

When we seek out the Holy Spirit, our eyes are opened to the needs of those around us.  Keep an open heart and seek to meet another’s needs above your own.

Benefit Those Who Listen

Finally, our words are meant to benefit those who listen.  Our words should always point to Christ.

[bctt tweet="Our words should always point to Christ." username="NicoleAKauffman"]

This is why it is so important to be studying Scripture.  As you grow closer to God and rely on the Holy Spirit within you, you begin to radiate God’s glory in your life.

In doing this, your words become His words and your heart becomes like His. 

Encourage others so that they may see Christ in everything you say. 

Your words are not to benefit you, but to benefit others.  We already have the saving love of Christ in our life and this meets all of our needs because of our hope in Him.  As you rely on this hope, you can form your words to always benefit those who listen.

But How?

Changing how we speak doesn’t just happen overnight.  There is no quick fix and it is okay to make mistakes along the way.  God’s grace is bigger than any mistake. 

So how do you change the way you speak to others?  How do you actually keep unwholesome talk from your mouth?

1. Pray continually

I’m not talking about just when you wake up and go to bed, but by staying in connection with God throughout the day.  Allow Him to fill you in prayer when you wake up.  But we must also keep that connection as the hours pass in our busy schedules. 

By being in constant prayer, the Holy Spirit will open your eyes and your heart to His working.  Your heart will begin to align with His and slowly, you will see a change in your words. 

2. Be Humble

If you do say something that hurts someone (which we all do!), seek them out and apologize!  This takes a great deal of humility, but it teaches your heart to love. 

When we repent of our mistakes, God will transform our hearts and make us new.  Don’t rationalize your words or just move on, but do your best to repent and make it right.

3. Search your own heart

Oftentimes, hurtful words come from a hurting heart.  When we are hurting, it is hard to always speak love.  So we must seek healing in ourselves first. 

[bctt tweet="Hurtful words come from a hurting heart." username="NicoleAKauffman"]

Cultivate a spirit of thanksgiving and joy.  When we see how much we have to be thankful for, we are filled with God’s love and generosity and we can then offer that to others.

We can do great things with kind words.  How has a kind word changed your life and walk with Christ?



  1. Such a beautiful message, Nicole! Words have the power to stick to us for a long long time causing hurt and false shame. I pray your words here are read by many and God uses them to convict hearts and give strategies. I always love your thoughts, Nicole. You are such a blessing! Thank you so much for sharing at #MomentsofHope!
    Blessings and smiles,

  2. I met with a good friend yesterday, and I was thinking about why I enjoyed being with her so much and it’s because her words are full of encouragement. She’s always looking to help a person build their strengths. It makes me want to do the same.

  3. Nicole,
    Your wisdom is timely considering the state of our nation right now. Words have become the weapon of choice by millions – giving those of us truly seeking the power of Christ to tame our tongue greater opportunity to shower Grace. God bless you!

    1. What a great application, Shelby. Words are being used as weapons all around us- in our nation, in our communities and in our homes. It is so important to use them for God’s glory and in love. Thank you for your kind words 🙂

  4. It’s the unexpected kindness that always gets me. The stranger, the friend who is struggling, the person who you least expect to go out of their way to be kind. Those are the times I most clearly see Christ in others.

    1. I completely agree, Sarah. And this lends to the importance of us being that unexpected love and kindness to others everyday! So glad you stopped by 🙂

  5. Words are so powerful. But what we “speak” to ourselves is powerful also. I’ve learned to be more gentle to myself. And also to speak the truth of God’s Word. That is very powerful!

    1. Yes, this is something I struggle with far too often! That voice inside us that speaks to our own souls is SO important. We must take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ and that takes intentionality. Thank you for your wise input, Debbie!

  6. This is so convicting and so true. Words are POWERFUL, and the words that have to keep filling my heart everyday when I am so prone to wander are the Lord’s Precious Words in His Holy Word. Looking to benefit and bear other’s burdens is something that I am not often enough mindful of when I’m with brothers and sisters in Christ, and I need to be less selfish and more focused on looking to Jesus Christ in conversation, so that we can be ready when our Lord Jesus comes and calls us home.

    1. Oh how easily we fall to our own desires. But with God’s grace and our earnest seeking after Him, He will transform our hearts. I’m so grateful for His neverending grace as we week to live by His words and to use our words for His good!

  7. Loving others above ourselves can be hard sometimes, but Christ is the perfect inspiration and model for us! He gives us the nudge and encouragement we need to cultivate a heart of selflessness. So thankful for His help along the way … because none of us are perfect in this area of the faith!

    1. Great reminders, Lauren! He is the perfecter of our faith and we must lean on him to bring us to this place of love and selflessness 🙂

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