Made to Brave Our Past

Braving the Hard Parts of Our Past


I’ve spent most of my life running from my past. I’ve boxed up memories, thoughts, and things I felt too painful to face. And because of this, I lived in chains.

Fear of the reminders.

Anxiety about the memories.

Avoidance of people, places, things that would spark the thoughts that brought pain.

I was living, but I wasn’t living freely or fully.

One of my top priorities was to live without accepting what had happened in my past. In denial, I could claim some sense of sanity.  My past had become an idol of sorts. I would do anything to avoid it, even avoid God. And so when my past came knocking, as anything we run from eventually will, my faith suffered immensely.

It was my sophomore year of college when all my running finally caught up with me. I was flooded with memories, flashbacks, shame that I couldn’t stop. It overwhelmed me and took me to a dark place.

It was in that place that I thought God had abandoned me. Satan had a tight grasp on my heart because of my past.

Satan knew that my past held the power to drive me away from God.

But God didn't create us to run from our pasts. He wants us to live in His abundant mercy and grace.

I'd love if you would hope over to my friend, Crystal's blog to finish reading my story of how God taught me to brave my past and brought me freedom.


Click to continue reading: We Are Made to Brave Our Past




  1. Nicole, it was during my sophomore year in college that God really took a hold of my life, too. Such a beautiful story you shared here and on Crystal’s blog. Blessings to you as you continue to share it!

  2. For the longest time , I was on a run as well. I didn’t want to deal with how messed up my past was , the baggage I carried was causing a lot of pain as well. So glad that you too braved your past like me .

  3. Avoidance can be such a comfortable place, until you realize that it’s cause damage in other parts of your life. I love hoe God asks us to open those wounds and He begins to break the chains of bondages. Very encouraging and hopeful post.

  4. Nicole, I am inspired by your story to press through all of the difficult pieces of your past and do so knowing that God desired something fresh and new for you. His redemptive work is hard, but there is always something beautiful waiting on the other side. Thank you for sharing a bit of your story to encourage the Made for Brave Sisterhood!

  5. We have to forgive ourselves just like Heavenly Father does and the past is in the past. Don’t let satan do a number on you.

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