Following God’s Call Even When It’s Risky – How a Leap of Faith Changed Everything

Following God’s Call Even When It’s Risky – How a Leap of Faith Changed Everything

Here’s my story of following God’s call even when it’s risky. It’s not easy, but it is one of the most amazing things when we leap into the call that God has for us. You must know – I was never the most spontaneous person. Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of spontaneity,…

3 Ways to Discern God’s Voice when Facing a Decision

3 Ways to Discern God’s Voice when Facing a Decision

Have you ever struggled to discern God’s voice when facing a decision? You know, that itching feeling when it comes to discernment. The one where you just want God to shout out which way to go? I’ve been there. Too many times. I’ve faced decisions, crossroads and major life changes and stood frozen, afraid of making…

Finding the Courage to Face the Unknown
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Finding the Courage to Face the Unknown

What’s the next step?I’ve asked myself this question too many times to count.As I wandered through trying to discern God’s call on my life, I’ve taken some wrong turns and some backwards steps. But the biggest thing that kept me from answering His call was the fear of the unknown.Sometimes, not seeing the final picture…

3 Things that Keep You From Reaching Your Goals

3 Things that Keep You From Reaching Your Goals

As the new year begins, things kick into high gear. Gyms are full, budgets are set, fridges are stocked with fruits and veggies and plans are made.Some of us love the idea of resolutions, while others have grown cynical and see right through the falsity in these vows.There have been many years where I’ve come…