jesus redeemer
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The Hope of Jesus Our Redeemer

I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. -Job 19:25

My heart longs for hope in a world so full of brokenness.

My life has been tainted by sin.

The sins of others have torn at my soul. My own sin has gripped at my heart.

So many of my days have been marked by hurt, guilt, shame, grief.

What about you? Are there areas of your life that need healing and hope?

The Hope of Jesus Our Redeemer

We don’t just long for the hope that comes from redemption - our souls cry out for it in desperate need.

What Does Redemption Mean for Us?

Jesus stepped down from heaven into this broken world for you and me. He saw our need and humbly walked this earth to answer our cry.

He carried the weight of sin and offered himself as the perfect sacrifice to bring us redemption.

The past few weeks I’ve struggled with the consequences of so much brokenness in my life. I’ve battled with pain and hurt that seemed to overpower hope. And yet, even in the midst of such darkness, I could cling to the promise and hope that Christ is redeeming me.

He is restoring every broken part of my life.

I’ve seen those around me wade through that same brokenness without the hope of redemption.

Without Christ’s redeeming love in our life, we are left to carry the weight of our own sin - a weight we were never meant to carry.

So what does redemption mean?

Redemption shines grace into our brokenness and light into the darkness.

I would love if you would join me at Flourishing Today to hear the rest of my story.

 Click to join me for the rest of the post:

What Happens When Jesus is Your Redeemer



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